Learning from Eco-social Approaches to Public Health
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LEAPH created or supports these manuscripts, videos, documents and websites.

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Buse, C. G., Allison, S., Cole, D. C., Fumerton, R., Parkes, M. W., & Woollard, R. F. (2022). Patient- and Community-Oriented Primary Care Approaches for Health in Rural, Remote and Resource-Dependent Places: Insights for Eco-Social Praxis. Frontiers in Public Health, 10. https://www.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fpubh.2022.867397  

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Gothreau, J. (2021). Exploring Climate Change, Ecosystems And Well-Being Connections: Lessons Learned From The Application Of A Geospatial Knowledge Exchange Tool In The Nechako Watershed (dissertation). University of Northern British Columbia.

Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master in Natural Resources and Environmental Studies, August 2021


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Hoogeveen, D., Williams, A., Hussey, A., Western, S., Gislason, M.K. (2021) Sex, mines, and pipe-lines: Examining ‘Gender-based Analysis Plus’ in Canadian impact assessment resource extraction policy. The Extractive Industries and Society, Volume 8, Issue 3, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.exis.2021.100921

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McKinnon T. (2023). Youth Relationships with Land and Place in the Nechako Watershed. University of Northern British Columbia. Youth Relationships with Land and Place in the Nechako.

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Parker, E., & Parkes, M. (2022). Linking school based monitoring to land and water decision-making in the Nechako watershed.doi:https://doi.org/10.24124/2022/59309 . Masters thesis

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Bezzola, A. (2023). Guide to accessing Nechako Watershed Portal Projects. Integrated Watershed Research Group, University of Northern British Columbia. https://nechakowatershed-portal.ca/?subId=912

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Cowichan Tribes and the Environment, Community Health Observatory (ECHO) Network. (2022). “Coming together as a whole: Gathering in the Cowichan watershed to connect health, communities, lands, waters and climate”: October 12, 2022 Summary Report.

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The Environment, Community and Health Observatory (ECHO) Network. (2021). The ECHO Network: Outcomes, Learning and Pathways Forward 2017-2021.

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ECHO Network (April 2022). The Environment, Community and Health Observatory(ECHO) Network: Summary of Outcomes, Learning and Pathways Forward 2017-2021. Online at:https://www.echonetwork-reseauecho.ca

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Kennedy, A. & Parkes, M. (2022). Event-at-a-Glance: A 24-hour Earth-embracing Connected Conversation. Ecohealth International.

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Khodadadi P, Parkes M. (2024). Koh-Learning Community Update. 2024 Community Update. Koh-Learning in our watershed program

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McKinnon T (2023). Koh-Learning Community Update. 2023 Community Update. January, 2023. Koh-Learning in our Watershed Program

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McKinnon T (2021). Koh-Learning Community Update. 2021 Summer update, June 2021. Koh-Learning in our Watershed Program

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McKinnon T (2020). Koh-Learning Winter Update. 2020 Winter Gathering Report. February, 2020. Koh-Learning in our Watersheds Program

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McKinnon T (2020). Koh-Learning Community Update. 2020 Community Update. June, 2020. Koh-Learning in our Watershed Program

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McKinnon T (2021). Koh-Learning Winter Festival Report. 2021 Winter Festival. February, 2021. Koh-Learning in our Watershed Program

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McKinnon T (2021). Koh-Learning Community Update. 2021 Community Update. January, 2021. Koh-Learning in our Watershed Program

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Parker E and Bordet E (2023). Youth Monitoring Waterways in the Nechako. Linking School based Monitoring to Decision-Making in the Nechako Watershed. Graphic Brochure. In collaboration with the Koh-learning in our Watershed Program.

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Reynolds T, Khodadadi P, McKinnon T, Parkes M (2023). Tsuyawh Ltsunizdoodilh (Everybody/ Everything pulling together).Lands, Waters, Climate & Health connections in the Nechako watershed. Event report.May31st 2023 Gathering report Koh-Learning in our Watershed Program

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Bezzola, A., McKinnon, T. Parkes, M. (2022). Lessons from working together with a user-driven, open-source, GIS tool for archiving & sharing data across diverse contexts [Presentation]. Love Data Week. https://vimeo.com/695093457

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ECHO Network (November 19-26, 2021). ECHO Network Knowledge Exchange Sessions on “Honouring Complexity: Making Space to Address Cumulative Impacts, Climate Change and Co-Benefits”.

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Parker, E. (2020). Intro to the Portal [Video] YouTube. URL https://youtu.be/ufNbH_WRecc

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Parker, E. (2021). Filling a Form [Video] YouTube. URL https://youtu.be/KBCJqHZA4HE

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Skrlac, M. (2021). How to Add a Layer to the Portal [Video] YouTube. URL https://youtu.be/D89po5eW5oA

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Skrlac, M. (2021). Creating a Shapefile and Downloading it [Video]. YouTube. URL: https://youtu.be/qNUFINhYMaY

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Skrlac, M. (2021) Create a Form [Video]. YouTube. URL https://youtu.be/thjTGhggzjA

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Video: Land, Health & Healing and Lheidli T’enneh Elders Visit to the Ancient Forest https://youtu.be/u1b5Rgvu2Uo?si=Mk-wty0Z82KkMw8Q

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ECHO Network /Reseau ECHO Website (2017-2013): Strengthening intersectoral capacity to understand and respond to the health impacts of resource development  

Renforcer la capacité intersectorielle pour comprendre et réagir aux impacts du développement des ressources sur la santé. https://www.echonetwork-reseauecho.ca/

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Emmons, S., Armstrong, A., Bezzola, A., Booth, B., Gothreau, J., Hewitt, K., Parker, E., Skrlac, M., & Parkes, M. W. (2023). Nechako Watershed Portal https://nechakowatershed-portal.ca/

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Parkes, M. W., Stone, N., Doyon, J., & Bezzola, A. (2023). Nechako Watershed—Public (Saturation Search of Published Articles) [Data set]. Zotero.org. https://www.zotero.org/groups/5094139/nechako_watershed_-_public_saturation_search_of_published_articles

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