Learning from Eco-social Approaches to Public Health
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ECHO Collective


These are resources the ECHO Collective has created or collaborated on.

Papers, Chapters, Manuscripts

Buse, C. G., Allison, S., Cole, D. C., Fumerton, R., Parkes, M. W., & Woollard, R. F. (2022). Patient- and Community-Oriented Primary Care Approaches for Health in Rural, Remote and Resource-Dependent Places: Insights for Eco-Social Praxis. Frontiers in Public Health, 10. https://www.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fpubh.2022.867397  

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Buse, C. G., Bezzola, A., Brubacher, J., Takaro, T. K., Fredeen, A. L., & Parkes, M. W. (2022). Cumulative Impacts of Diverse Land Uses in British Columbia, Canada: Application of the “EnviroScreen” Method. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(18), 11171.

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Hoogeveen, D., Atleo, C. G., Patrick, L., Kennedy, A. M., Leduc, M., Parkes, M. W., ... & Gislason, M. K. (2023). On the possibility of decolonising planetary health: exploring new geographies for collaboration. The Lancet Planetary Health, 7(2), e179-e183.

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Kennedy, A., Skrlac, M., Cranmer, J., McKinnon, T., & Parkes, M. (2022). Learning with and from youth: Reflections of intersectoral researcher-knowledge user partnerships. In How We Work Together: The Integrated Knowledge Translation Casebook. (pp. 3–6). Integrated Knowledge Translation Research Network. https://iktrn.ohri.ca/projects/casebook/

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Parkes, MW., Allison, S., Harder, HG., Hoogeveen, D., Kutzner, D., Aalhus, M., Adams, E., Beck, L., Brisbois, B., Buse, C., Chiasson, A., Cole, DC., Dolan, S., Fauré, A., Fumerton, R., Gislason, MK., Hadley, L., Hallström, LK., Horwitz, P., Marks, R., McKellar, K., Barnes, HM., Oke, B., Pillsworth, L., Reschny, J., Sanderson, D., Skinner, S., Stelkia, K., Stephen, C., Surette, C., Takaro, TK., Vaillancourt, C. (2019). Addressing the environmental, community and health impacts of resource development: Challenges across scales, sectors and sites. Challenges, 10(1), 22.

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Sloan Morgan, V., Hoogeveen, D., Farrales, M., Gislason, M., Parkes, M., Harder, H. Resource extraction and intersectoral research: Accountable relations in the Environment Community Health Observatory Network. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space. 0(0)

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Reports and Documents

Cowichan Tribes and the Environment, Community Health Observatory (ECHO) Network. (2022). “Coming together as a whole: Gathering in the Cowichan watershed to connect health, communities, lands, waters and climate”: October 12, 2022 Summary Report.

The Environment, Community and Health Observatory (ECHO) Network. (2021). The ECHO Network: Outcomes, Learning and Pathways Forward 2017-2021.

ECHO Network (April 2022). The Environment, Community and Health Observatory(ECHO) Network: Summary of Outcomes, Learning and Pathways Forward 2017-2021. Online at:https://www.echonetwork-reseauecho.ca

Kennedy, A. & Parkes, M. (2022). Event-at-a-Glance: A 24-hour Earth-embracing Connected Conversation. Ecohealth International.

Videos, Graphics, other Creations

ECHO Network (November 19-26, 2021). ECHO Network Knowledge Exchange Sessions on “Honouring Complexity: Making Space to Address Cumulative Impacts, Climate Change and Co-Benefits”.

Websites and External Links

ECHO Network /Reseau ECHO Website (2017-2013): Strengthening intersectoral capacity to understand and respond to the health impacts of resource development  

Renforcer la capacité intersectorielle pour comprendre et réagir aux impacts du développement des ressources sur la santé. https://www.echonetwork-reseauecho.ca/