Many of the big issues facing society: climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution, health and social inequities, cut across traditional disciplines and sectors. Meaningfully addressing these issues calls for engagement with diverse ideas, methods, frameworks and perspectives. This diversity demands integrative approaches to research and policy that can begin to address interrelated challenges, to minimize trade-offs and antagonisms, while also finding synergies that help progress towards a safer, fairer and healthier world. Ongoing calls for integrative working now encompass multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary and other collaborative approaches to research. The rationale for more joined up approaches is clear, yet requires new skills and capacities to navigate daunting complexity while avoiding unhelpful abstraction and simplification. Furthermore, there are many habitual, historical, and institutional factors which make working with colleagues from different intellectual traditions and orientations challenging in practice. This webinar profiled panelist experiences across a range of integrative projects, learning about the barriers and enablers they have found along the way, as well as the benefits and challenges of designing integrative research processes and outputs to inform policy and practice. The event ended with a live Q&A session.
Information about the LANCET Spotlight on Climate and Health is available here:
The "on demand" link to view the "Spotlight on Health and Climate Change: challenges and opportunities of integrative research" Webinar is here: