SD 91, Nechako Lakes, is an educational organization situated in the picturesque Nechako-Omineca region of British Columbia. Their schools cater to approximately 3,500 students residing in Fort St. James, Vanderhoof, Fraser Lake, Burns Lake, surrounding areas, and 14 First Nation communities. The organization's mission is to attain educational excellence within a diverse and personalized learning environment. Their vision is centered around nurturing learners who can make constructive contributions to our ever-changing global community.
Visit WebsiteVancouver Foundation grants to hundreds of charities and non-profits in BC every year. Its vision is to create healthy, vibrant, and livable communities, and it focuses on supporting projects that address the root causes of important issues. Its funding comes from generous gifts from the community, as well as from managing endowment funds for people, charities, and businesses.
Visit WebsiteNSERC's PromoScience Program offers financial support for organizations working with young Canadians to promote an understanding of science and engineering (including mathematics and technology). PromoScience supports hands-on learning experiences for young students and their teachers. Grants may be used to cover improvements to program content or delivery, as well as for new programs and activities.
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